Everyone is familiar with the term- The Learning Curve.
We learn from our prior mistakes and we have the opportunity to learn from other people's prior mistakes. And if we're entering uncharted territory, then we're on our own to navigate it.
The interesting thing about the college process is that most families treat it as uncharted territory. And while it may be uncharted to them, it is not uncharted territory. In fact, it is territory that is navigated by several million families each year with many lessons to learn and big mistakes to avoid!
In working with hundreds of athletes, we've identified 8 Common Mistakes that will derail your dreams of playing college sports. But for today, we are focusing on the one most common mistake of athlete-families. It is-
- Athletes bypass the Admissions process in hopes that an interested college coach will take care of it for them, but the learning curve shows that rarely happens.
All college students must go through Admissions. All athletes must go through Athletics, but they also must go through Admissions. The college process for athlete-families is a dual-path process. It is a most common and costly mistake of athlete-families to avoid and bypass the Admissions Office.
Your job as a parent of an athlete pursuing college sports is to schedule college visits with plans to meet both the college coach and the admission counselor who may decide upon your child's application acceptance and scholarship award.
We've created a Student-athlete Portal designed to help you better navigate the college process. To get yours setup, click here and submit our 5-minute questionnaire.
Your portal includes-
- Custom College Timeline
- Sample College List
- 3 Must-Ask Questions of Coaches and Admissions
- College Review & Strategy Call
- Key to unlocking the Gate to College Success
Your Portal puts YOU in control!