College is a Debt-Fueled Business
Colleges will protect their business model with greater determination than parents will protect their finances.
This is what you're up against when contemplating college ahead for your children, and it doesn't get enough attention. Well, does this get your attention?
- College is a $500B industry, with $300B of it financed.
- Federal Student Debt now exceeds $1.5 Trillion.
- Parent's College Loans exceeds $4.0 Trillion.
- Dozens of Colleges have Endowment Funds > $1B.
- Over 50 colleges now cost $70,000+ per year.
You don't think colleges are worried about you and your finances, do you? Do they seem worried when you come for a visit? Are they quick and helpful in protecting your interests for saving college costs? Not for a second!
College is a debt-fueled business and parents across America are rushing to contribute. But not our parents, we all know better than to be sucked up into the massive Business-Machine known as College.
There are many things you can do to save on college costs. With a simple click, we have 8 Top Reasons People Overpay for College described for you.
And if you like that, then you'll love our book-
Dissecting the Big Business of College.
These are just a few ways we help families get college right. If you like it, then let's talk- book an appointment now.
Office # 203.470.3704