Absorbing the College Experience
Kids are made to absorb their college experience, good or bad.
Give that a little thought, and then ponder this-
What college experience do you want your child to be absorbed by?
This is a life-defining question, yet, very few parents consider it.
Rather, most parents proceed ahead under the false belief that the rankings and high cost of college with all of its glory and prestige assure parents that it's right for their child.
The reality is that college is a transformational bridge, taking a kid/ teenager into becoming a young adult. The successful journey of college will ultimately be determined by how the child absorbs the total experience.
When a child chooses a college or a parent directs their child's choice, they choose an experience the child is made to absorb. It's not just rankings and prestige that count, which I don't think counts for a dime.
Rather, the college experience includes-
- academics and learning opportunity
- various influences and influencers
- cultural and social settings of the college
- its inspirational value, or possibly the weight of overwhelming expectations
- good friends along with bad relationships
- a student's successes and disappointments.
When it's all done, rankings and prestige will not have mattered in the slightest.
What will live on forever is the experience. Good or bad, students are made to absorb their experience.
With all that's riding on the line, as college choices are being made, can we choose the best college experience over choosing college prestige?
If you'd like to discuss what college experience is right for your child or a friend's child, let's talk!