John Houseman- Smith Barney- a trip down memory lane! You can't mass produce good college advice either...College is personal! It is in our bones. There are no shortcuts in the path to success. You can't parachute into the destination. Rather, you have to travel the full path, every step, one step at a time, with each step taken in its rightful order. Ponzi Schemes didn't end with exposing Bernie Madoff and College-scamming won't end this week either. The scammers are out there taking shortcuts. Side deals will be made. The work will be skipped. But in the end, they lose! Not us, not my families with whom I work. I take it personally. They understand the game. They know that getting college right is a conscious effort, an arduous process where great work lands great results. I show the path, the parents manage the course, the kids do the work...this is how it's done right! A thing about us. I am a big fan of Stephen Covey and his book- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We apply 3 Foundational Principles for getting college right.
- Get on the Right Colleges
- Meet the Right People
- Ask the Right Questions
We have 6 Steps to Getting on the Right Colleges-
- Build a College List
- Get Your College Timeline
- Create a Personal Marketing Package
- Communicate Your Interests to Colleges
- Plan College Trips
- Visit Colleges...the Right Colleges
Kids can do a lot more. They have to prepare longer for the SAT/ ACT's. They need to work harder for improving grades. They should aspire to become more knowledgeable and aware of the world around them. They can do much more in preparing for impending opportunities and earning their way. There are no shortcuts to achieving success in this world today! Parents? You're not excluded. You can do more too. You can get involved earlier. You can be more knowledgeable of the process. You can know better what you are about to buy —COLLEGE. Together, we can get college right!
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