Finish's the end-game that determines winners!
The "end-game" is a familiar term to everyone, yet it is played well by so few...making outcomes predictable.
Super Bowl games are won and lost in the last minutes.
Baseball games are won and lost in the last inning.
Basketball games are won and lost in the last second.
Golf matches are won and lost on the last shot.
Tennis matches are won and lost in the last game.
Chess matches are won and lost on the last move.
Olympic medals are decided at the last moment.
Of course, I could go on and on. Those are sports and games though. I'm here to discuss college.
Meaningful relationships are built upon the final words spoken.
Admission acceptances are won and lost in the final actions of applicants.
Scholarship awards are decided upon the final score of tests.
Jobs are offered upon the final interview of prospects.
So much of life is decided in the end-game. But it's in the end-game that so many people, both parents and kids, give way to apathy, content, and apparent disregard. It's simply a careless way to go about pursuing opportunities.
To gain success, you have to finish the job, whatever the job is to be done. Sunday night I will be playing Bass Guitar in a concert for which I've worked hard over the past few months. Now is not the time to ease up with comfort and confidence, or laziness. Rather, I will work it hard through the finish line...through the last note played.
You can do the through the finish line!
For H.S. Freshmen, score well on the next test; finish your year strong; you're grades live with you forever.
For H.S. Sophomores, finish your homework; study hard for your the next test; complete your projects on time.
For H.S. Juniors, work your SAT/ ACT prep through to the test date; put forth a strong finish on all tests.
For H.S. Seniors, finish the application process by working it hard over the next two months; your future depends on it; your success lies in the wait.
For College Students, finish each class with your best effort; don't get tired or your end-game ability.
For Parents, you set the example at home for your children...always put the finishing touches on everything.
I often hear parents say- "My child doesn't test well." I did not "test well" until I improved my study habits. So what does it really infer to when someone "doesn't test well"?
Just getting started is not good enough, rather, you have to finish strong!
Win the End-Game!